Use Cases
The physical therapist will be using the interface to log information about patients and control certain treadmill parameters during physical therapy sessions.
Physical therapist starts a session
- The therapist is presented with a GUI that allows them to enter metadata about the session: patient name, date/time of session, patient height, patient’s parietic side, and name of the file to save this information.
- Therapist also has option to load values from previous saved session data (see third screen use case).
- Error handling: ensure that values are in acceptable ranges and that filename is allowed and/or doesn't already exist.
Physical therapist continues to Virtual Environment Setup tab
- Therapist specifies virtual environment setup variables: the environment to load and the eyeball height of the patient.
Physical therapist continues to Treadmill Control tab
- Therapist specifies values for initial treadmill setting.
- Therapist also has ability to save all current GUI values for this screen and previous three screens, for easy loading later.
- Error handling: ensure that values are in acceptable ranges.
Physical therapist continues to Session Control/Data tab
- Therapist can view real-time data for total elapsed time walking during the session as well as during the mini-session, total number of strides, and elapsed distance walked.
- Therapist also has ability to begin a new mini-session.
Physical therapist continues to Logging tab
- Therapist can enable/disable logging and set the log file name.
- Error handling: ensure that filename is allowed and/or doesn't already exist.