Create a user interface that will allow physical therapists to set or change any of the following:
Meta Data
- Patient name
- Date and time session starts
- Patient height
- Parietic side
- Other patient information
- Set session filename
Virtual Envrionment Setup
- Select environment file
- Write name of environment file
- Eye height
Treadmill Control
- Current belt speed (left and right)
- Current virtual locomotion speed
- Current curvature
- Max speed
- Curvature multiplier
- Optical flow multiplier
- User speed control ON/OFF
- Curvature ON/OFF
- Curvature control method
- Kalman filter parameters
- Kalman estimated error
Session Control
- User is walking
- Total elapsed walking time
- Elapsed walking time for mini-session
- Begin next mini-session
- Elapsed distance
- Number of strides
- Log name
- Enable/disable logging
- Save to file
- Load values from file